师父: 蝴蝶至尊 kruba krissana
庙名: Wat Weruwan
年份: 2556 B.E.
原料: 诵经过的铜
功效:招正横偏財, 異性緣,能让人听从你的话,让你身边的人关系和好,有贵人辅助
结缘:MYR 88 感恩
Name: Khun Paen Butterfly
Master: Kruba Krissana
Temple: Wat Weruwan
Year: 2556 B.E.
Ingredient: Chanted Copper
Effect: Attract good luck and wealth, colleagues and those people around you will become closer to you.
***comes with original casing from temple***
***comes with original casing from temple***
Price: MYR 88 感恩
Kruba Krissana Intawanno is a famous monk, known for making efficacious pendants King of Butterfly or Thep Jamlaeng. The efficacy of his pendants has been witnessed by many of his followers and had even won over many hardcore skeptics who had originally thought that this was just another sales gimmick thought about by amulets business owner. Many people who have worn Kruba's pendant have reported very significant changes to their lives and experiences of good luck and good fortune. As such, this amulet is very popular with devotees especially from the Asian countries due to its effectiveness and many good experiences.
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